

Q. 为什么要做房屋检查?

A. 房屋检查是由专业/资质的检查员对房产进行的细节检查, 从而帮助客户发现房屋中的问题和潜在隐患。房屋状况的好坏, 除了一般可以参考我们房屋检查照片可以发现,买房者做房屋检查, 也有卖房者和一般业主做房屋检查,不管是谁, 房屋检查都是对房屋的一项投资,而不是一笔无谓的支出。 及时发现房屋存在的问题,可以帮您节省下数千甚至上万美元的开销。

Q. 房屋检查需要多长时间?

A. 房屋检查的时间包括实地检查的时间和完成报告的时间两部分。 实地检查的时间2~4个小时。房屋检查的时间长短,取决于很多因素, 房屋的大小,内部系统建造年代,房屋的结构/格局等等。 此外,还需要至少一个小时的时间核对资料,写报告。

Q. 我是否也要参与房屋检查的过程?

A. 是的。非常欢迎您参与到整个房屋检查的过程。 这样您可以更加直观的了解房子的构造和内部的设备, 更加容易的理解房屋检查报告的内容。 还可以现场提出问题,我们尽量详尽解答,方便日后对房屋的保养和维护。

Q. 新房子是否也需要房屋检查?

A. 是的。买新房过户之前要做房屋检查之外, 最好在房子Warranty到期之前再做一次房屋检查。 一般是新房过户之后的第11个月。这样在一年的保修期之内, 可以请建筑商免费做好保养与维修,省得日后花冤枉钱。 记住:新房子的建筑材料和人工,是Builder从出价最低的承包商那里选出的!

Q. 我的房子会检查出问题吗?

A. 是的。所有的房子,都或多或少的有问题。“人无完人”,房子也是一样,没有完美无缺的房子。不同年代,不同地区的房子,出现的问题也都不同。

Q. 如果房子有问题,是否提供维修的Contractors?

A. 不是。房屋检查只做检查。我们既不推荐别的Contractors,也不承担房屋维修业务。 法律和房屋检查的规范都禁止这样做,这是为了更好的保护客的利益。

Q. 房屋检查报告是否要给经纪人?

A. 由您自己决定。一般Agent会要求一份Copy, 帮助您同对方就房屋检查过程中发现的问题进行商议, 但是我们在没有得到您的许可之前,绝对不会泄露您的任何资料, 也不会和Agent联系。

Q. 房屋检查之前,我需要做那些准备?

A. 首先确保有开房门的钥匙。最近很多Bank owned或者Short sale的房子的钥匙盒子密码被改动过,大家都到齐之后, 发现无法拿到房子的钥匙,进不去大门。 第二,确保房子的水电煤气都是畅通的。 冬天,很多房子的水管都会关掉(Winterization), 需要提前打开以方便检查。 第三,如果房子里面有宠物的,要关好或者在检查过程中离开。 第四,房屋里面不要有太多的杂物,比如通向阁楼,或者空调间的通道等等。

Q. 我看中的房子会通不过房屋检查吗?

A. 房屋检查仅仅是从专业的角度出发给出房屋状态的评价。不存在 ‘通过’ 或者 ‘不通过’ 的问题。购买的决定还要同房子的位置,大小,和价格一起综合考虑。

Q. Why do housing inspections?

A. House inspection is a professional inspection of the property conducted by experienced/qualified inspectors to help customers find problems and potential hazards in the house. The housing condition is good or bad, in addition to generally refer to our house inspection photos, you can find that buyers do house inspections, and sellers and general owners do house inspections. No matter who they are, house inspections are an investment in the house, not An unnecessary expenditure. Finding out the problems in the house in time can save you thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in expenses.

Q. How long does the house inspection take?

A. The time of house inspection includes two parts: the time of on-site inspection and the time of completing the report. The on-site inspection time is 2~4 hours. The length of the house inspection depends on many factors, such as the size of the house, the construction year of the internal system, the structure/layout of the house, and so on. In addition, it takes at least one hour to check the data and write a report.

Q. Do I also need to participate in the house inspection process?

A. Yes. You are very welcome to participate in the entire house inspection process. In this way, you can more intuitively understand the structure and internal equipment of the house, and it will be easier to understand the content of the house inspection report. You can also ask questions on the spot, and we try to answer them in detail to facilitate the maintenance and maintenance of the house in the future.

Q. Does the new house also need house inspection?

A. Yes. In addition to the house inspection before buying a new house, it is best to do another house inspection before the house Warranty expires. It is usually the 11th month after the transfer of the new house. In this way, within the one-year warranty period, you can ask the Builder to do maintenance and repairs free of charge, saving you wasteful money in the future. Remember: The building materials and labor for the new house are selected by the Builder from the contractor with the lowest bid!

Q. Will there be problems with my house inspection?

A. Yes. All houses have more or less problems. "No one is perfect, no gold is pure" house is the same, there is no perfect house. Houses in different eras and regions have different problems.

Q. If there is a problem with the house, do you provide contractors for repairs?

A. No. The house inspection is only an inspection. We neither recommend other Contractors nor undertake house repair business. Laws and house inspection regulations prohibit this, this is to better protect the interests of customers.

Q. Should the house inspection report be given to the Agent?

A. It is up to you to decide. Generally, the Agent will request a copy to help you negotiate with the other party about the problems found during the house inspection, but we will never disclose any of your information or contact the Agent without your permission.

Q. What preparations do I need to do before the house inspection?

A. First make sure you have the key to open the door. Recently, the key box passwords of many Bank owned or Short sale houses have been changed. After everyone arrived, they found that they couldn't get the keys of the houses and couldn't get in. Second, make sure that the water, electricity and gas in the house are unblocked. In winter, water pipes in many houses are turned off (Winterization) and need to be opened in advance to facilitate inspection. Third, if there are pets in the house, close them or leave during the inspection. Fourth, do not have too many clutter in the house, such as the passage leading to the attic or the air-conditioned room, etc.

Q. Will the house I fancy pass the house inspection?

A. House inspection is only an evaluation of the state of the house from a professional point of view. There is no question of 'pass' or 'fail'. The purchase decision must also be considered together with the location, size, and price of the house.